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Friday, 22 May 2020

Time Management; an Essential Tool for Success

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     Irrespective of the financial status, everyone would agree with me that a resource almost everyone has during this Lockdown is Time,  except for few which includes those offering essential services like health workers, law enforcement officials, fire service workers, etc. A great question I ask myself more often is if I am making good use of this Time, and I know most of you ask yourself this same question although frequency might differ.
     From my Online Class I talked about in Previous Article, I learnt a great deal about Time Management and I’ll like to share some in this Article and if you desire more, you can start by registering Here. Charles Richards taught a great deal about Time when he said “Don’t be fooled by the Calendar. There are only as many days in a year as you make use of . One can get only a week’s value out of a year, while another man gets a full year’s value out of a week. I’ve come to realize that Time is an equalizer of all life on Earth. We all have the same amount of time everyday: 24hours, but what we do with the 24hours determines our contentment, failures and successes. Personally, I feel it’s not about getting more time, it is the hard practice of managing the Time.
     In this article I’ll take you through the very first important step of Time Management and if you think it was help, you can register to get more. The first step is to Evaluate Your “How you Spend Your Time”.

Step One: Evaluate Your “How You Spend Your Time”
You have a lot of things competing for your attention, especially on your electronic devices. If you’re not careful, you can waste more time than you imagine browsing social media or watching videos. British researchers found that young adults use their cell phone twice as much as they estimated that they do. In fact cell phone use has become so habitual that as of 2015, people were spending on average about one-third of their waking hours on their phones. That’s a huge amount of time. People who do not evaluate how they spend their time usually make mistakes estimating how much time they’re spending on various tasks. Considering the following chart illustrates how fast small daily tasks add up

Minutes Per DayMinutes Per WeekHours Per MonthHours Per Year

Given our increasingly electronic environment, the time management tools of tracking, evaluating, and prioritizing tasks are essential to be a good steward. Here is a simple tool called “Start, Stop, Continue” that can help you evaluate how you are spending your time. Start, Stop, Continue, is a three-step process that forces you to evaluate what you are doing by asking three questions:
1. What do you need to start doing that you are not currently doing?
2. What do you need to stop doing that you are currently doing?
3. What should you continue doing?

These three questions are widely relevant. You can use them in family councils to work together to strengthen your family life, to improve relationships, or even to become more efficient at work. 

What do you need to start doing?
  • Is there a prompting you’ve had to do something?
  • Is there something missing from your personal worship?
What do you need to stop doing?
  • Are there any activities in your life that are conflicting with having God in the center of your heart?
  • Have you committed to too many things?
What should you continue doing?
  • What activities are moving you towards your goals?
  • What are you doing that you find fulfilling?

     This is actually a tip of the iceberg, there are more powerful and motivational insights you can get about your Time Management, which can help you achieve a lot this Lockdown. All you need to do is register Here

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